

Specialized solutions for the most critical applications in the metalworking process.

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The most common challenge
is forging exact geometry pieces,
generating the least possible wear
with a minimum impact
to the work environment.

Interforge KI

Graphite free high performance product with easy removal using water. Creates a less aggressive operating environment.

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Precision in the forming process, reducing tooling wear off and minimizing the impact on the work environment are the main requirements in this process.

Star 1000

Graphite free product for copper applications, designed to increase productivity.

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Non-water-miscible cutting fluids

The conditions to which these applications are subject to are severe cuts that require high precision.

Interoil Deep Drill 17

Designed for deep drilling, this products provides an excellent lubricity under highly severe conditions.

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Water-miscible cutting fluids

Operating conditions at high velocities that require cooling and provide anti-wear protection for the tooling.

Intersolv SS 55

Designed to reduce friction, control the temperature and provide anticorrosive protection.

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Blanking & Punching

Operating conditions with friction and extreme pressure.

Metal Form Cut

Designed to provide lubrication with excellent anticorrosive properties.

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Operating conditions with high mechanical loads and friction between metal surfaces.

Stamp Fluid

Formulated with additives that lubricate and protect against friction generated on the tooling.

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Operating conditions with extreme pressure and high loads.

Press Steel

Designed with additives that reduce friction between the tooling and provide resistance to mechanical loads.

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Long duration anticorrosives

For machinery and equipment that are exposed to humidity conditions for extended periods of time.

Anticor Microcrist

Developed to protect interior and exterior surfaces for all king of machinery and equipment that require long duration lubrication.

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High resistance and flexibility to critical heat and humidity conditions, as well as providing excellent conductivity on electro-mechanical cables.


Epoxy coating of two components for the protection of electro-mechanical cables.

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Operating conditions with a wide range of velocities and extreme loads.

Coplex HV

Grease formulated with solid lubricants that prevent incidental contact between metal surfaces. It has high stability to centrifugal forces.

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Crane cables & general equipment

Operating conditions with high wear and contamination due to friction, humidity, oxidation and corrosion.

Intergraf NG

Semi-fluid grease provides a resisting lubricant film on the metal surface preventing contaminant entry to the wire rope.

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Operating conditions with constant load and stress.

Intermoly 4000

Spray lubricant with a solvent that allows it to reach the interior of the chain, assuring an effective lubricant film.

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Assembly elements

Operating conditions with temperatures up to 1200 ° C.

Cop Metal

Anti-seize lubricant paste formulated to provide a solid lubricant film that separates contact surfaces and extends the service life of assembly components.

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Operating conditions with temperatures up to 100 ° C, corrosion, carbon deposits and lacquers.

C Synt P

Synthetic oil compatible with seals and paints, formulated for extended service life and an excellent thermal performance that can extend lubrication periods

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Pumps and fans

Operating conditions with speeds up to 3600rpm and temperatures up to 100 ° C.

Syntaplex HS

Synthetic grease formulated to withstand high speeds, with mechanical stability and thermal resistance to prevent lubricant runoff.

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Operating conditions with high temperatures, loads and speeds.

Gear Synt

Synthetic oil of long duration formulated to provide stability against rusting and anti-wear protection, preventing carbon residue and resinous deposits.

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Electric motor

Operating conditions with speeds up to 3600 rpm, high temperatures and contaminant presence.

Syntaplex 280 white

Synthetic grease formulated to provide mechanical stability, with an ester base oil that provides great polarity towards metal surfaces.